Spend your next few years studying at a center of intensive scholarship and taking advantage of our multidimensional academic experience.
Since 1999, Kings International Medical Academy in association with Davao Medical School Foundation has been transforming dreams of thousands of medicos into a reality. Several meritorious students have walked out of this institute as competent doctors and medical professionals. And the individual whose might has cruised through all these years into the successful period of KIMA today is Dr. David K Pillai.
Dr. David K Pillai
Dr. David K Pillai is the CEO and founding chairman of Kings International Medical Academy in India. Over the years, he has revolutionized the medical education system to enhance its quality and approach. He has completed more than 35 years as a successful entrepreneur in the industry.
Besides this institute, he has several other ventures and associations, all dedicated for the educational development of students. His persistent endeavours throughout his career has resulted in 5000+ students from India pursuing medical studies, acquiring degrees and practicing throughout the country.
Kings International Medical Academy

Highlights about Dr. David K Pillai
- Works dedicated for the cause of the community
- Made education extremely affordable for students from all economic backgrounds
- Walks an extra mile to support and address educational needs of children
- Other ventures include from school-level education to up to higher studies and degree-level qualifications
- Actively participates in different educational programmes and brings recognition to worthy scholars
Along with these, the leader has facilitated medical education in one of the top destinations, Philippines. This advantage is provided through Kings International Medical Academy in association with Davao Medical School Foundation in Philippines. Davao Medical School Foundation is a top-ranking institute imparting the best quality medical education to international medicos.
As he shared, “Our primary focus is to produce more of proficient medical practitioners and healthcare professionals who can address physical as well as psychological problems of their patients. We provide equal weightage on rigorous preparation for FMGE & NEET as well as skill development. With all the support from our experienced faculty, I wish the medicos an enlightening journey before they taste success as an adept doctor.”
Dr. David K Pillai has been mentoring students from India for studying MBBS in Philippines for over 20 years now.
Dr. David K Pillai and His Many Philanthropic Endeavours
The other side of Dr. David K Pillai showcases his activist and a philanthropic nature. So far, he has offered countless services for the betterment of the society. Not only has he pioneered in transforming the medical education in India but has also enables children from rural areas to pursue education in the best environment at the lowest expenses.
With no pride or ego, he loves to share his meal and spend days with children, especially from the rural areas of our country. He has successfully provided free medical education to underprivileged students. His academies also undertake CSR initiatives throughout the year to engage future medicos in the service of mankind. He believes that an individual should acquire an academic degree for being a doctor and at the same time, develop a strong sense of responsibly to become a well-balanced citizen.
Feathers on His Cap
- In February 2019
Peter Franchot, the comptroller of the State of Maryland, USA recognized Dr. David K Pillai’s efforts in providing low cost medical education without compromising quality and awarded him for this service.
- In May 2019
He was honoured by the Governor and the Secretary of State, the Comptroller of Maryland, who acknowledged his commitment in promoting medical healthcare education. They also recognized his ‘Outstanding Global Leadership’ in improving the quality of education.
- In November 2020
Dr. David K Pillai is the recipient of the prestigious ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ for his commitment and contributions in the field of medical and healthcare education. He was awarded at the house of Parliaments, London, United Kingdom during the 2nd annual Global Medical Excellence Awards.
Apart from these, the chairman has also received several awards from the government of India for his selfless service.
Needless to say, his adept leadership has brought Kings International Medical Academy to the limelight and made one of the most preferred destinations for NEET coaching, FMGE coaching and MBBS program in Philippines.