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Dermatology classes for FMGE at Kings

Kings International Medical Academy is offering excellent coaching classes for FMGE in our country, and they are currently in full swing as the exam approaches. Dr. Akhilesh, our top-notch faculty member, is handling the dermatology classes currently at our academy.


Skin    – Largest organ


            -1.7m² BsA

3 layers –Epidermis – Ectoderm – Mc – Keratinocyte

              -Dermis – Mesoderm – Mc – Fibroblast

              -Sub-cutaneous layer – Fatty cells

Keratin filament:

Epidermis- 5 layers

K₃ →    3 → Corneum – Flat cells

            Le – Lucidum – Palm-soles – Eliden-Granule

K₂ ← G = Granulosum – Granular

K₁ ← S – Spinosum – Prickle cell layer

K₅ ← Basale

       -Malphigian Layer

K₆ – Nail

Filagrin- Filament



Epidermal cells

                                    Keratinocyte   Melanocyte     Langerhans cell             Merkel Cell

Development             Ectoderm        N.Crest            Mesodermal                Ecto> N.Crest

Function                     Protection       Melanin           APC                            Touch-R



Marker – LAN

7 CD- 1a

CD- 207

S- 100



Tennis racket appearance:

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